The best performing ideas in the Turbofan range have been re-designed, re-developed and re-born as a durable series of convection ovens designed for ease of use, increased application and future-proof durability. Each product in the series carries Turbofan performance and durability in its DNA. The superior looks are also fully supported by an array of incredible features, and the range is further complemented by P Series prover / holding cabinets and oven support stands.
Turbofan convection oven systems offer portability to suit any application, an expandable platform with a wider range of oven footprints, increased tray loading capacity and smart door design for safety. Coupled with the 30 Series’ matching prover and holding cabinet, Turbofan offers more features within its DNA.
The research and development stage of the series was crucial to the ongoing success of Turbofan. We have listened intently to our customers over the years in order to understand their various operating environments and changing needs. We have observed various customer groups such as cafes, convenience stores, chain bakeries and service stations in real life situations, our aim being to make cooking and baking inherently easier for them. The resulting new ideas have been applied to our already outstanding range of ovens and re-born as an expanded series of Turbofan convection ovens.
Turbofan convection ovens are of durable construction and ingenious design. Be it chocolate cake or prime rib, you can rely on quality componentry and features to deliver results that are effortless, flawless and, most importantly, consistent.
When things get busy sometimes an increase in capacity can be hampered by lack of options. The Turbofan range recognizes capacity increases are often required within the same footprint. That's why our units are stackable, meaning greatest freedom from this extra flexibility that ensures even the smallest space can delivery the best results.
Contact Interbake today to discuss your requirements and the full range of Turbofan products we supply.